Guaranteed No Conflict Of Interest
       - No Links to Banks on the VERIBANC web-site.
              - No Bank has ever paid VERIBANC to rate them.
            - No Advertising or referral fees from Banks.


VERIBANC® was the first company to provide safe and sound bank ratings on all U.S. federally insured financial  institutions in "plain English". Detailed research and risk analysis are also available. Beginning in 1981, our bank rating system has helped consumers, business people, and government offices manage banking risk and protect their deposits and investments against bank failure and fraud.

Since our inception we have maintained our zero tolerance for bias, no Bank, Thrift, or Credit Union has ever paid us to rate them. We have never accepted advertising or referral (click through) fees. You can be assured that you are getting the best information with VERIBANC's guarantee: there is no potential for conflict of interest.

The B.E.S.T. Banking Investment

Balanced - our rating system blends predictability of bank failure with bank ratings degradation. This balance provides our clients with added value that actually tracks the performance of the banking industry. Click here to see why balance is important.

Effective - VERIBANC's ROR (Return On Ratings) is over 99 percent. We are able to detect banking problems with a high degree of reliability. Click here to see our track record.

Seasoned - Since our beginning in 1981, (through the difficult and the good times of the banking industry) our rating system has been tested. Our system's performance has produced remarkably consistent results. Click here to see recent failures.

Transparent - we are the only bank rating company that has always published our track record. Because of our transparency, several insurance companies have audited and approved its use for insuring deposits in excess of the FDIC's limit.


Since our beginning in 1981, the company’s highly trained staff and consultants have included bankers, bank regulators, financial analysts, university faculty members, accountants, programmers and many talented people who have made the concept of "plain English" banking information continue to work.

CAUTION: It is very important to know the source of your information. Be sure you know the credentials of the organizations that supply your bank ratings, -- and any other information on which you depend. Frequently, a web site will give you what appears to be the information you need, but it doesn’t tell you who is providing that information. Remember, it is still a “consumer beware” environment.

Thank you for your interest in VERIBANC.

If you have questions or would like to know more about our company or our reports and data sets, please:

Call 1-800-837-4226 (1-800-VERIBANc)
Mail to VERIBANC, Inc., PO Box 608, Greenville, Rhode Island 02828

Or, send us an Email.

We look forward to hearing from you.

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